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"The Sacred Symbol of Lord Shiva"

shivling samhara

Shivling, also known as Shiva Lingam, is one of the most significant symbols of Lord Shiva in Hinduism. It is a sacred object of worship and is considered to be a powerful medium for connecting with the divine energy of Lord Shiva. In this blog, we will explore the history, significance, types, and worship of Shivling in detail.

History of Shivling:

The history of Shivling dates back to ancient India, where Lord Shiva was worshipped in various forms. The term “Lingam” means “symbol” or “sign,” and the Shivling represents the male aspect of the divine power. The Shivling has been mentioned in various Hindu texts, including the Rigveda, which dates back to 1500-1200 BCE.

According to Hindu mythology, Lord Shiva appeared as a pillar of light, and his divine energy was so powerful that it could not be contained in any physical form. Thus, the Shivling represents this formless energy of Lord Shiva that pervades the universe.

Significance of Shivling:

The Shivling is a symbol of the eternal energy of Lord Shiva, and it is believed to have immense spiritual and healing properties. It is considered to be a powerful medium for connecting with the divine energy of Lord Shiva and seeking his blessings for peace, prosperity, and spiritual growth.

The worship of Shivling is believed to remove negative energies, purify the mind and body, and bring peace and harmony to the worshipper’s life. It is also believed to help in overcoming obstacles, improving relationships, and achieving success in various endeavors.

Types of Shivling:

Here are some types of Shivling:

  • Parad Shivling: Made of mercury, Parad Shivling is believed to be a symbol of purity and has great spiritual significance.
  • Narmada Shivling: Narmada Shivling is made of stones collected from the Narmada River and is considered to be very powerful in removing negative energy.
  • Sphatika Shivling: Spatika Shivling is made of crystal and is believed to enhance positive energy and bring peace and harmony.
  • Shaligram Shivling: Shaligram Shivling is made up of a naturally occurring stone found in the Gandaki River in Nepal. It is believed to be a direct manifestation of Lord Vishnu and is considered to be very powerful and sacred. It Removes sins, negative energy, and obstacles in life.
  • Dakshinavarti Shankh Shivling: Dakshinavarti Shankh Shivling is made of conch shell and is believed to bring prosperity and wealth.
  • Panchamukhi Shivling: Panchamukhi Shivling is a Shivling with five faces and is believed to represent the five elements – earth, water, fire, air, and space.
  • Brass Shivling: Brass Shivling is made of brass and is believed to bring prosperity, success, and happiness.
  • Silver Shivling: Silver Shivling is made of silver and is believed to remove negative energy and bring positivity and good luck.
  • Gold Shivling: Gold Shivling is made of gold and is believed to represent the ultimate form of purity and divine energy. It is considered to be very powerful and auspicious.

Here are some types of Shivling based on semi-precious stones:

  • Amethyst Shivling: Amethyst Shivling is made of amethyst, a purple-colored semi-precious stone. It is believed to bring peace and tranquility to the worshipper.
  • Crystal Shivling: Crystal Shivling is made of clear quartz crystal and is believed to have healing powers. It is also said to enhance the worshipper’s intuition and spiritual awareness.
  • Lapis Lazuli Shivling: Lapis Lazuli Shivling is made of a deep blue-colored semi-precious stone with golden flecks. It is believed to promote spiritual enlightenment and mental clarity.
  • Green Jade Shivling: Green Jade Shivling is made of a green-colored semi-precious stone and is believed to bring prosperity and good luck.
  • Tiger Eye Shivling: Tiger Eye Shivling is made up of a golden-brown semi-precious stone with stripes resembling a tiger’s eye. It promotes prosperity and financial stability.
  • Red Jasper Shivling: Red Jasper Shivling is made of a reddish-brown colored semi-precious stone and is believed to promote physical and emotional healing.
  • Black Onyx Shivling: Black Onyx Shivling is made of a black-colored semi-precious stone and is believed to provide strength and protection.
  • Rose Quartz Shivling: Rose Quartz Shivling is made of a pink-colored semi-precious stone and is believed to promote love, compassion, and emotional healing.

Remember that the material of the Shivling is not as important as your devotion and sincerity in worshiping Lord Shiva.

Worship & Placement of A Shivling:

Shivling is a representation of Lord Shiva, one of the major deities in Hinduism. Worshiping Shivling is considered to be a way of seeking blessings from Lord Shiva and attaining spiritual growth.

Here are some guidelines on how to worship Shivling and its placement:

  1. Choose a suitable location: Shivling should be placed in a clean and sacred place in your home, preferably in the northeast direction. Avoid placing it in a bedroom, bathroom, or kitchen.
  2. Clean the area: Before placing Shivling, clean the area thoroughly, and make sure it is free from dirt and dust. Use a cloth or a duster to wipe the area clean.
  3. Place Shivling on a pedestal: Shivling should be placed on a pedestal made of marble or metal. The pedestal should be of the same size as the Shivling.
  4. Decorate Shivling: The worshipper can also offer bilva leaves, which are considered to be sacred to Lord Shiva. You can decorate Shivling with flowers, sandalwood paste, and vermilion. You can also offer fruits, sweets, and milk to the Shivling.
  5. Light a lamp: Light a lamp near the Shivling, and offer incense sticks to create a serene atmosphere.
  6. Recite mantras: You can chant mantras dedicated to Lord Shiva, such as “Om Namah Shivaya” or “Mahamrityunjaya Mantra” to invoke the divine energy of Lord Shiva.
  7. Perform Abhishekam: Abhishekam is a ritual where water, milk, honey, and other items are poured on the Shivling. It is considered to be a way of purifying the soul and seeking blessings from Lord Shiva.
  8. Offer prayers: After performing Abhishekam, offer your prayers to Lord Shiva, and seek his blessings.

Shivling Abhishekam (Vital Ceremony for Lord Shiva):

Abhishekam is a ritual where water, milk, honey, and other items are poured on the Shivling as a way of purifying the soul and seeking blessings from Lord Shiva. Here are the steps to perform Shivling abhishekam:

1. Prepare the items: Collect the items required for Abhishekam, such as water, milk, honey, yogurt, ghee, sugar, and gangajal (water from the river Ganges).

2. Clean the Shivling: Before performing Abhishekam, clean the Shivling with water and wipe it dry with a clean cloth.

3. Offer flowers and decorate: Offer flowers, sandalwood paste, and vermilion to the Shivling and decorate it with garlands.

4. Light a lamp: Light a lamp near the Shivling and offer incense sticks to create a serene atmosphere.

5. Chant mantras: Chant mantras dedicated to Lord Shiva, such as “Om Namah Shivaya” or “Mahamrityunjaya Mantra.”

6. Pour water: Start by pouring water over the Shivling while reciting the mantras. The water should be poured in a continuous stream, using a copper vessel or a silver vessel.

7. Offer milk: Pour milk over the Shivling while reciting the mantras. This is done to cool down the fiery energy of Lord Shiva.

8. Offer honey: Pour honey over the Shivling while reciting the mantras. This is done to invoke the sweetness of Lord Shiva.

9. Offer yogurt: Pour yogurt over the Shivling while reciting the mantras. This is done to purify the soul.

10. Offer ghee: Pour ghee over the Shivling while reciting the mantras. This is done to invoke the divine energy of Lord Shiva.

11. Offer gangajal: Finally, pour gangajal over the Shivling while reciting the mantras. This is considered to be the most sacred of all offerings.

12. Offer prayers: After performing Abhishekam, offer your prayers to Lord Shiva and seek his blessings.

Remember to perform Abhishekam with devotion and sincerity, and maintain the purity of the area and the Shivling by performing regular cleaning and maintenance.


Shivling is a revered symbol of Hinduism and a powerful medium for connecting with the divine energy of Lord Shiva. Its worship is believed to bring peace, prosperity, and spiritual growth to the worshipper’s life. With its rich history, significance, and types, Shivling continues to be a revered object of worship for millions of devotees worldwide.

Shop now for authentic and high-quality Shivling.

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