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Shree Yantra

"Your Guide to the Sacred Symbol of Goddess Lakshmi"

shaligram shree yantra

Shree Yantra is a sacred symbol of Goddess Lakshmi in Hinduism. It is a powerful tool for harnessing the divine energy of abundance, prosperity, and spiritual growth. In this blog, we will explore the history, significance, types, and worship of Shree Yantra in detail.

History of Shree Yantra

The history of Shree Yantra dates back to ancient India, where Goddess Lakshmi was worshipped in various forms. The term “Yantra” means “instrument” or “machine,” and the Shree Yantra represents the cosmic energy of Goddess Lakshmi. The Shree Yantra has been mentioned in various Hindu texts, including the Vedas and Puranas.

According to Hindu mythology, Goddess Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth, prosperity, and abundance. She is believed to have emerged from the cosmic ocean during the churning of the milky ocean. The Shree Yantra represents the cosmic energy of Goddess Lakshmi, and its worship is believed to bring wealth, prosperity, and spiritual growth to the worshipper.

Significance of Shree Yantra

The Shree Yantra is a powerful tool for harnessing the divine energy of abundance, prosperity, and spiritual growth. Its worship is believed to remove negative energies, bring peace and harmony to the worshipper’s life, and help in achieving success in various endeavors.

The Shree Yantra is also believed to be a powerful tool for meditation and spiritual growth. Its intricate geometric design represents the cosmic energy of the universe and helps in aligning the chakras and balancing the mind, body, and spirit.

Types of Shree Yantra

There are various types of Shree Yantra available in Hinduism, each with its unique characteristics and significance. The most common types of Shree Yantra are:

  • Shaligram Shree Yantra: The Shaligram Shree Yantra is made by carving a Shaligram stone into the shape of the Shree Yantra. It is a unique and powerful Yantra that is believed to promote spiritual growth, protection, and success in life.
  • Sphatik Shree Yantra: The Sphatik Shree Yantra is made of clear quartz crystal and is believed to bring peace, harmony, and prosperity to the worshipper’s life. It is also believed to enhance intuition and spiritual growth.
  • Parad Shree Yantra: The Parad Shree Yantra is made of mercury and is believed to bring wealth and prosperity to the worshipper. Its worship is also believed to remove negative energies and purify the mind and body.
  • Crystal Shree Yantra: Crystal Shree Yantra is made of clear quartz crystal and is believed to enhance positive energy and bring peace and harmony.
  • Brass Shree Yantra: Brass Shree Yantra is made of brass and is believed to bring prosperity, success, and happiness.
  • Silver Shree Yantra: Silver Shree Yantra is made of silver and is believed to remove negative energy and bring positivity and good luck.
  • Gold Shree Yantra: Gold Shree Yantra is made of gold and is believed to represent the ultimate form of purity and divine energy. It is considered to be very powerful and auspicious.
  • Copper Shree Yantra: Copper Shree Yantra is made of copper and is believed to have healing properties. It is also said to enhance the worshipper’s intuition and spiritual awareness.
  • Panchdhatu Shree Yantra: Panchdhatu Shree Yantra is made of five metals – gold, silver, copper, zinc, and iron. It is believed to bring balance and harmony to the worshipper’s life.
  • Ashtadhatu Shree Yantra: Ashtadhatu Shree Yantra is made of eight metals – gold, silver, copper, zinc, lead, tin, iron, and mercury. It is believed to have immense power and is considered to be very auspicious.

Here are some types of Shree Yantras based on semi-precious stones:

  • Amethyst Shree Yantra: This Shree Yantra is made with amethyst stones and is said to promote spiritual growth, inner peace, and clarity of thought.
  • Green Jade Shree Yantra: This type of Shree Yantra is made with green jade stones and is believed to promote healing, balance, and harmony.
  • Tiger Eye Shree Yantra: Made with tiger eye stones, this Shree Yantra is said to enhance courage, strength, and vitality.
  • Citrine Shree Yantra: Made with citrine stones, this Shree Yantra is believed to promote abundance, prosperity, and success.
  • Green Aventurine Shree Yantra: This type of Shree Yantra is made with green aventurine stones and is said to promote growth, luck, and optimism.
  • Coral Shree Yantra: Made with coral stones, this Shree Yantra is believed to enhance vitality, courage, and enthusiasm.
  • Emerald Shree Yantra: Made with emerald stones, this Shree Yantra is said to promote mental clarity, creativity, and growth.
  • Lapis Lazuli Shree Yantra: Made with lapis lazuli stones, this Shree Yantra is believed to promote spiritual awakening, inner peace, and wisdom.
  • Red Jasper Shree Yantra: Made with red jasper stones, this Shree Yantra is said to enhance physical strength, stamina, and courage.
  • Rose Quartz Shree Yantra: Made with rose quartz stones, this Shree Yantra is believed to promote love, compassion, and emotional healing.

Remember that the material of the Shree Yantra is not as important as your devotion and sincerity in worshiping Goddess Lakshmi.

How to Worship A Shree Yantra & Its Placement

Here are some guidelines on how to worship and placement of Shree Yantra:

1. Choose a suitable location: Shree Yantra should be placed in the North or East direction of the house or puja room. It should be kept in a clean and sacred place.

2. Purify the Yantra: Before starting the worship, clean the Shree Yantra with water, milk, and sandalwood paste to purify it.

3. Light a Diya (lamp): Light a lamp near the Shree Yantra with pure ghee or oil.

4. Offer flowers: Offer fresh flowers or garlands to the Shree Yantra.

5. Chant mantras: Chant mantras like “Om Shreem Hreem Shreem Kamale Kamalaleyi Praseed Praseed, Shreem Hreem Shreem Mahalaxmiyei Namaha” while worshipping the Shree Yantra.

6. Offer incense: Light incense sticks or dhoop near the Shree Yantra.

7. Perform Arti: Perform Arti by waving the lamp in a circular motion in front of the Shree Yantra.

8. Offer sweets or prasad: Offer sweets or prasad to the Shree Yantra and distribute it to others as well.

9. Maintain cleanliness: It is essential to maintain the cleanliness of the Shree Yantra and the place where it is kept.

Remember that the most important aspect of worshipping the Shree Yantra is devotion, faith, and sincerity. Follow the above guidelines regularly, and you will witness the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi in your life.


Shree Yantra is a powerful symbol of Goddess Lakshmi and a tool for harnessing the divine energy of abundance, prosperity, and spiritual growth. Its worship is believed to bring peace, harmony, and success in various endeavors to the worshipper’s life. With its rich history, significance, and types, Shree Yantra continues to be a revered symbol of Hinduism and a source of inspiration for millions of devotees worldwide.

Shop now for authentic and high-quality Shree Yantra.

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