Easy Refund And Return Policy

Thank you for shopping at Gangtarang.com. We understand that sometimes items may not meet your expectations or may be damaged during transit. That’s why we offer a 15-day refund and returns policy for all eligible purchases made on our website.

Eligibility for Refund and Returns

To be eligible for a refund or return, your purchase must meet the following criteria:

*   The item must be in its original condition and packaging.
*   The item must not have been used, altered, or damaged.
*   You must provide proof of purchase, such as an order confirmation or invoice.
*   The item must be returned within 15 days of delivery.

Please note that some items may not be eligible for returns due to their nature, such as perishable goods, gift cards, or personalized items. If in doubt, please contact us before making your purchase.

Refund Process

If you are eligible for a refund, we will initiate the process within 3 business days of receiving your returned item. The refund will be processed to the original payment method used for the purchase, and may take up to 7 business days to appear in your account.

Returns Process

To initiate a return, please follow these steps:

1.  Contact us at +91 9105 707 707 (whatsapp or call) within 15 days of receiving your item, and let us know the reason for the return.
2.  We will provide you with a return authorization number and instructions for shipping the item back to us.
3.  Pack the item securely in its original packaging, and include any accessories, manuals, or other items that came with it.
4.  Ship the item to the address provided, using a trackable shipping method.
5.  Once we receive the item and verify its eligibility for return, we will initiate the refund process.

Please note that you will be responsible for paying the shipping costs for returning your item, unless the item was damaged during transit or is defective.


We offer exchanges for purchased items. If you wish to exchange an item, please contact us.


We hope that this refund and returns policy helps you feel confident in making purchases on Gangtarang.com. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at +91 9105 707 707 (whatsapp or call).

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